
Grilled Tomatoes

Grilled tomatoes are a tasty side dish to steaks, chicken, and fish. The tomato, like an avocado, is technically a fruit that is usually eaten and thought of as a vegetable. Many low carb dieters avoid tomatoes and that’s generally a good idea, especially tomato sauces. But I find that tomatoes, in moderation, don’t effect …

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Saffron Chicken Kabobs

This particular recipe is a family favorite. You’ll be marinading chicken in a saffron infused yogurt bath. Think of it like a spa day for your chicken. You’ll want the chicken to bathe for at least 3 and overnight is better. The yogurt keeps the chicken moist and the saffron delights your senses. Saffron is …

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Masterful Mojitos

I thank a  former co-worker and eventual dear friend of mine for turning me on to the magic of the mojits many years ago. The traditional recipe includes sugar, which is obviously not a part of my meal plan. However, a few simple changes make this low-carb mojito a delicious masterful solution. This version includes rum. Simply …

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